Visitor and Companion Rule


Your patient is our guest and lies in our hospital in order not to accept visitors but to be treated. Therefore, it is important for you
not to follow the rules below. In exceptional cases, please contact our doctor / nurse for the visit.

1. Patient visits are between 12:00 and 14:00 and 19:00 to 21:00.
2. In order to avoid disturbing your patient and other patients, the number of visitors should not exceed two, so do not visit the crowd.
3. Your patients can get information about their condition from your doctor, during your visit, or visit your doctor at your polyclinic.
4. Do not bring food and drink outside for the health of your patients.
5. Do not bring children under 12 years of age on patient visits.
6. Pay attention to patient privacy.
7. Our hospital is definitely not accepted as a visitor in the maternity ward.
8. In the intensive care units of our hospital, patient visits are made within the framework of the rules hanging at the entrance of the
intensive care unit.